Three Kings (1999)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, War Director: David O. Russell IMDB rating 7.30 / 10 Three Kings - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: anti war, black comedy, blood, blood splatter, border crossing, bullet, bullet wound, bunker, c4 explosives, capture, caught having sex, cellular phone, civil war, collapsed lung, comic relief, corpse, court martial, cow, critically acclaimed, crushed to death, culture clash, cynicism, dark comedy, death, decapitation, desert, desert storm, electric shock, electrical torture, ethnic slur, exploding car, exploding helicopter, football, friendship, gas, gas mask, gatling gun, gold, gore, gulf war, heist, helicopter, hidden treasure, honorable discharge, human relationship, humor, husband wife relationship, interracial, iraq, jeep, kurd, kurdistan, kuwait, limousine, luxury car, machine gun, map, marriage, mexican standoff, michael jackson, mine field, murder, night vision goggles, object in rectum, pain, persian gulf, political, political drama, political oppression, political repression, political satire, racial slur, redneck, remake, reporter, rescue, reverse footage, saddam hussein, satire, severed head, shootout, shot in the arm, shot in the back, shot in the chest, shot in the head, shot in the shoulder, shot to death, skip motion, slow motion, sniper, stolen treasure, stuffed animal, surreal, switchblade, tear gas, torture, tragedy, tragicomedy, urination scene, violence, vulgarity |
Taglines: In a war without heroes they are kingsIt's good to be kingsThey're deserters, rebels and thieves but in the nicest way hTree KingsTrhee KingsThere KingsThree KingsThre eKingsThreeK ingsThree iKngsThree KnigsThree KignsThree KinsgThree Kinsghree KingsTree KingsThee KingsThre KingsThre KingsThreeKingsThree ingsThree KngsThree KigsThree KinsThree KingTThree KingsThhree KingsThrree KingsThreee KingsThreee KingsThree KingsThree KKingsThree KiingsThree KinngsThree KinggsThree Kingss Plot: In the days immediately after the Gulf War, a group of American soldiers come across a secret Iraqi map, which discloses the whereabouts of a bunker where Iraq is storing stolen gold and treasure from Kuwait. The soldiers hope to take the gold and keep it for themselves. However, when they arrive at the site, they discover that the Iraqi army is more concerned about persecuting its civilians than stopping them from stealing the gold. They learn that the civilians have been encouraged by the U.S. government to rise up and fight Sadaam Hussein, but are facing certain execution because the U.S. military refuses to help them. This incident creates a crisis of conscience for the American soldiers. Do they take the money and run, leaving the civilians to face certain death at the hands of the Iraqi army? Or do they risk losing the gold in order to escort them to safety across the border into Iran? |
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