Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi Director: Alexander Witt IMDB rating 5.70 / 10 Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: action heroine, animal attack, animal killing, based on video game, betrayal, blood, bridge, bullet time, cannibalism, child in peril, church, conspiracy, cop, corporate crime, corporation, cover up, dark heroine, dog, eaten alive, fall from height, father daughter relationship, female nudity, female protagonist, flashback sequence, gatling gun, gore, gun, handcuffs, helicopter, helicopter crash, helicopter pilot, hospital, k 9, killer dog, loss of friend, martial arts, monster, motorcycle, mutant, narration, neck breaking scene, nuclear weapons, nudity, one night, pistol, police officer, policeman, policewoman, profanity, quarantine, rescue, resident evil, reverse footage, revolver, rooftop, school, second part, sequel, shootout, shot in the chest, shot in the forehead, shot in the head, shot to death, shotgun, sniper, stabbed in the head, stained glass, stripper, subterranean, suicide, survival horror, television news, television reporter, topless, twist in the end, undead, urban, video game, virus, wheelchair, zombie, zombie child |
Taglines: I'm good, but I'm not that goodMy name is Alice and I remember everything.Our lives are in their hands.The evil continues...The infection is spreading faster than anyone could have anticipatedYou're all going to die eRsident Evil: ApocalypseRseident Evil: ApocalypseReisdent Evil: ApocalypseResdient Evil: ApocalypseResiednt Evil: ApocalypseResidnet Evil: ApocalypseResidetn Evil: ApocalypseResiden tEvil: ApocalypseResidentE vil: ApocalypseResident vEil: ApocalypseResident Eivl: ApocalypseResident Evli: ApocalypseResident Evi:l ApocalypseResident Evil :ApocalypseResident Evil:A pocalypseResident Evil: pAocalypseResident Evil: AopcalypseResident Evil: ApcoalypseResident Evil: ApoaclypseResident Evil: ApoclaypseResident Evil: ApocaylpseResident Evil: ApocalpyseResident Evil: ApocalyspeResident Evil: ApocalypesResident Evil: Apocalypesesident Evil: ApocalypseRsident Evil: ApocalypseReident Evil: ApocalypseResdent Evil: ApocalypseResient Evil: ApocalypseResidnt Evil: ApocalypseResidet Evil: ApocalypseResiden Evil: ApocalypseResidentEvil: ApocalypseResident vil: ApocalypseResident Eil: ApocalypseResident Evl: ApocalypseResident Evi: ApocalypseResident Evil ApocalypseResident Evil:ApocalypseResident Evil: pocalypseResident Evil: AocalypseResident Evil: ApcalypseResident Evil: ApoalypseResident Evil: ApoclypseResident Evil: ApocaypseResident Evil: ApocalpseResident Evil: ApocalyseResident Evil: ApocalypeResident Evil: ApocalypsRResident Evil: ApocalypseReesident Evil: ApocalypseRessident Evil: ApocalypseResiident Evil: ApocalypseResiddent Evil: ApocalypseResideent Evil: ApocalypseResidennt Evil: ApocalypseResidentt Evil: ApocalypseResident Evil: ApocalypseResident EEvil: ApocalypseResident Evvil: ApocalypseResident Eviil: ApocalypseResident Evill: ApocalypseResident Evil:: ApocalypseResident Evil: ApocalypseResident Evil: AApocalypseResident Evil: AppocalypseResident Evil: ApoocalypseResident Evil: ApoccalypseResident Evil: ApocaalypseResident Evil: ApocallypseResident Evil: ApocalyypseResident Evil: ApocalyppseResident Evil: ApocalypsseResident Evil: Apocalypsee Plot: The nightmare isn't over, General Cain ordered The Hive to be reopened, and in doing so contaminated all of Raccoon City, a city of the dead, with Alice stuck right in the middle. Now, along with other surviors, Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliviera and his Captain, Nicholai, they must fight to survive, to escape the nightmare that has plaqed Raccoon City. But now there is a new threat: Matt Addison has fully mutated into a seemingly unstoppable creature, code named Nemesis, who will stop at nothing until everything around it is dead, but it also has another agenda... |
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