Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Independence Day (1996) -

Independence Day (1996)

Independence Day
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: Roland Emmerich

IMDB rating 6.10 / 10

Independence Day - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: aeronautics, african american hero, aircraft pilot, airforce one, alcoholic pilot, alien, alien attack, alien contact, alien invasion, apocalypse, area 51, blockbuster, chaos, chess, computer virus, desert, disaster, empire state building new york, epic, fate of the universe, father daughter relationship, father son relationship, fighter pilot, first lady, fourth of july, genocide, helicopter, heroism, homosexual subtext, homosexuality, invasion, kamikaze, los angeles california, love, mass destruction, mothership, new york, nuclear explosion, pilot, sacrifice, spacecraft, statue of liberty, television, title spoken by character, tooele county, tragedy, tv station, u.s. president, ufo, vomit, washington d.c., weapon, wendover nevada, white house

Taglines: Don't make plans for August.EARTH Take a good look. It could be your last.Enjoy The Superbowl. It May Be Your Last (Superbowl Promo)On July 2, 1996, the aliens came. On July 3, 1996, the aliens saw and struck. On Independence Day 1996, the human race will CONQUER!On July 2nd, they arrive. On July 3rd, they strike. On July 4th, we fight back.The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered.They only want one thing... DESTRUCTION!Today, the human race celebrates their Independence Day.WARNING! Your next stop may not be there.We've always believed we weren't alone. On July 4th, we'll wish we were.
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Plot: On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. It is soon learned by the military that a number of enormous objects are on a collision course with Earth. At first thought to be meteors, they are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft, piloted by a mysterious alien species. After attempts to communicate with the aliens go nowhere, David Levinson, an ex-scientist turned cable technician, discovers that the aliens are going to attack major points around the globe in less than a day. On July 3rd, the aliens all but obliterate New York, Los Angeles, and Washington. The survivors set out in convoys towards Area 51, a strange government testing ground where it is rumored the military has a captured alien spacecraft of their own. The survivors devise a plan to fight back against the enslaving aliens, and July 4th becomes the day humanity will fight for its freedom. July 4th is their Independence Day...

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