Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
Director: Quentin Tarantino IMDB rating 8.10 / 10 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: action heroine, anti hero, australia, bathroom scene, betrayal, bittersweet, black comedy, blindness, blood, blood splatter, bloodshed, bouncer, brother brother relationship, brutality, buddhist temple, buried alive, character name in title, code name, corpse, critically acclaimed, death, desert, employer employee relationship, eye gouging, eyeball, father daughter relationship, female assassin, female killer, femme fatale, flashback sequence, flashlight, forgiveness, girl fight, gore, grave digging, guilt, hate, head in toilet, headstone, hit in crotch, honor, human relationship, humanity, justice, katana, katana sword, kindness, kung fu, love, loyalty, martial arts, massacre, mentor, moral ambiguity, mother child reunion, mother daughter relationship, narration, neo noir, no opening credits, nonlinear timeline, organist, pain, perth australia, philosophy, poetic justice, poison dart, pregnancy test, presumed dead, promise, racial slur, redemption, respect, retribution, returning character killed off, revenge, righteous rage, second part, sequel, shot in the chest, shot in the knee, shot through door, snake, snake bite, split screen, strip joint, stripper, surprise after end credits, sword fight, syringe, teacher student relationship, tragedy, tragic hero, tragic love, tragic villain, trailer home, true love, truth serum, twist in the end, uncle niece relationship, venom, violence, violent movie, warrior, warrior woman, wedding chapel, wedding rehearsal, wedding singer, women fight, wuxia fiction |
Taglines: Back With A VengeanceHere comes the bride.Kill Bill NowKill is love.On April 16th...The Quest for Revenge Continues...Revenge is a dish best served cold.She will kill BillThe bride is back for the final cutThe whole thrilling tale is revealed.This Spring, It's Not Over Til It's Over iKll Bill: Vol. 2Klil Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kil lBill: Vol. 2KillB ill: Vol. 2Kill iBll: Vol. 2Kill Blil: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bil:l Vol. 2Kill Bill :Vol. 2Kill Bill:V ol. 2Kill Bill: oVl. 2Kill Bill: Vlo. 2Kill Bill: Vo.l 2Kill Bill: Vol .2Kill Bill: Vol.2 Kill Bill: Vol.2 ill Bill: Vol. 2Kll Bill: Vol. 2Kil Bill: Vol. 2Kil Bill: Vol. 2KillBill: Vol. 2Kill ill: Vol. 2Kill Bll: Vol. 2Kill Bil: Vol. 2Kill Bil: Vol. 2Kill Bill Vol. 2Kill Bill:Vol. 2Kill Bill: ol. 2Kill Bill: Vl. 2Kill Bill: Vo. 2Kill Bill: Vol 2Kill Bill: Vol.2Kill Bill: Vol. KKill Bill: Vol. 2Kiill Bill: Vol. 2Killl Bill: Vol. 2Killl Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kill BBill: Vol. 2Kill Biill: Vol. 2Kill Billl: Vol. 2Kill Billl: Vol. 2Kill Bill:: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bill: VVol. 2Kill Bill: Vool. 2Kill Bill: Voll. 2Kill Bill: Vol.. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 2Kill Bill: Vol. 22 Plot: The Bride woke up after a long coma. The baby that she carried before the coma was gone. The only thing on her mind was to get revenge on the assassination team that betrayed her - a team she was once part of. With two of the people on her Death List taken care of, she must pursue Budd, Elle Driver and of course Bill himself. But she is in for a surprise... |
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